Okay.. this is my first time uploading from Godot to here, and most of the aspects of the game is missing. Which is extremely frustrating. I don't know what to do. The only thing showing is the first level.

this is (sadly) an unfinished game jam submission, about a boy who is claustrophobic, we couldn't portray that because I had school and couldn't work full on it!! but, for my first game jam I guess it's okay! 

This is also my first time doing platformer games, so it was a little bit of a challenge.
all the assets were used from scratch, but small bits of the code is taken from my other game "HOPE".
We got the story from the theme "Limited Space" as that subject could be reserved to tight environments which causes claustrophobia, we wanted to add elements that the player could be of help for the character, and play along as the story progresses.. 

All soundtracks are made by the amazing Johanum!!! :D

The slime and sword slashing animations are sadly not implimented yet</3

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